Showing 27 Result(s)

How To Disagree With Your Boss

Disagreeing with your boss is easily one of the most precarious situations for a leader. Done wrong, it can derail your career. Done correctly it can set you up for a solid, candid relationship. Let’s setup a few ground rules. Never do it in front of other people. Honestly, it shocks me to even have …

How to Be More Persuasive

On today’s episode, I am with Brian Ahearn and he is going to teach you how to be more persuasive. This is an essential skill to have in your career and the best news is it CAN be learned. Learn: Liking – In order to be more persuasive you have to like the person your …

Who Made the PowerPoint?

I was sitting in my cubicle when I overhead a conversation over the wall next to me. It was another manager and his director. The director said I need to do a presentation please send me over the slides that you have. The manager paused and said, I will send them over to you but …

How to Handle Burnout

Great news!! Burnout is now an official medical condition. The truth is if you have a job odds are you cannot prevent it, but you can find the right way to help control it. Podcast Recap: Be very clear with your boss what your priorites are. Stay in touch with your team watch for the …

Book Excerpt: Surrounded by Insanity

Below is the introduction to my new book. Why You Are Here “You are trying to understand madness with logic. This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch.” —The Mad Hatter I walked into the conference room not really knowing what to expect. I sat across the table from someone who had been …

Quick Tip: Setting Project Deadlines

Setting project deadlines is always a perilous task. In this short episode, I will give you a few quick tips that can help you navigate this difficult situation.  1. Never open your Mouth without all details.  2. Always have two timelines ready  3. Over-communicate like crazy  4. Don’t sweat it too much, all deadlines are made …

What is Psychological Safety?

Every research article and story keeps telling me teams need Psychological Safety to be “High-Performing” What the heck does that mean? How am I supposed to create that when I am a middle manager and have very little influence on the company culture? Turns out there are a few things you CAN do to help …