Donald has survived mergers, promotions, re-organizations, and downsizing. Throughout his career, he has led multiple technical teams of varying sizes consisting of both on and offshore resources. He has successfully led multi-million dollar projects and was selected to complete a two-year program to become a lean six sigma certified black belt. Donald has a degree in Computer Engineering and an MBA. In addition to his corporate experience, he has co-founded multiple companies. Donald is the author of the book “Surrounded by Insanity: How to Execute Bad Decisions.” He is an award-winning speaker and the host of the podcast “The Corporate Middle” where he answers the most common middle management questions.
Why I Do This
Being a “Middle” Manager is one of the toughest corporate jobs on the planet. You must learn how to survive the chaos of stack rankings, layoffs, promotion quotas- the list goes on and on. The worst part if you are on the hook for your team’s performance even though you don’t control all the variables. Oh and I forgot to mention you are basically going to get no support from anyone else in your organization. The only help will be from other middle managers. That’s why I am here. I want to help you figure out how to manage real people in real situations and try to make your day just a little bit easier to handle.